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New KISTERS solution transforms data into robust decision support

September 6, 2024


photo from an operations command center; image shows at least 6 computer monitors displaying maps of weather forecasts and time series data | source AdobeStock 790001458 purchased and modified

KISTERS launches KISTERS Analytics, an advanced platform that enhances data management with superior integration, visualization and IT. Organizations gain robust decision-support through more customizable control of workflow, alarming, and forecasting.

The launch is a powerful evolution of KISTERS data management systems (DMS). A web browser empowers users to go beyond existing functionalities in terms of task coupling, data visualization, and automated processes. The ultimate goal is analyzing data with greater reliability and ease.

Evolving business needs.

Data-driven organizations already know the benefits of using an enterprise DMS. Many have internal resources to collect and process extensive amounts of data. The longer data and information technology has been present and actively used, user expectations necessarily increase. Data consumers recognize the limitations of existing tools. To improve decision-making, they also identify interoperable data and models to gain understanding of the situation and potential future. Data complexity makes advanced analytics capabilities more important than ever.

The Gartner Group reports that companies using advanced analytics software experience a 5-10% increase in productivity and efficiency, and up to a 5x increase in ROI on their data investments.

Consequently, decision-makers have realized their need for third-party data analytics, custom models, artificial intelligence (AI), or other resources to extract insights from their data. The wide assortment of in-house or third-party tools, combined with the endless possibilities of open-source programming, poses a challenge. However, insight-driven companies integrate the tools, coding, and DMS efficiently and securely.

Building a business case.


  • Improved data quality: They ensure accuracy and consistency across all data points.
  • Enhanced decision-making: They convert complex data into clear, actionable insights.
  • Predictive capabilities: They forecast trends and identify potential issues before they arise.

KISTERS Analytics.

The KISTERS Analytics platform easily integrates DMS information with custom, open source, and third-party algorithms to analyze, modify, and model data across various systems. Its robust core framework provides centralized control to automate and monitor data processing tasks on to a broad or granular degree. As users build their own evolving catalog of data analysis and modelling processes with ease, they recover and refocus their time and confidence on interpreting the results and evaluating potential outcomes of decisions.

The all-in-one solution features functions that are typically are addressed by separate applications by different developers, leaving significant doubts about their interoperability.

Streamlined data management begins with the interface for the workflow manager. Create elaborate series of tasks, schedule, and monitor linked (or independent) processes — from data import and validation to multi-stage analysis to modelling. The alert settings facilitate quick detection and prompt resolution of issues. The catalog settings enable the reuse, revision, and comparison of an unlimited number of algorithms.

Ideal for professionals relying on extensive water and meteorological data, KISTERS Analytics can help address challenges faced by power generation companies, wholesale water utilities, as well as climate and environmental scientists. A clean low-code user interface provides endless development opportunities to your in-house developers, consulting partners, or KISTERS.

KISTERS expertise.

From long-term data management systems through advanced analytics, your possibilities are endless with KISTERS. Your organization and team members are empowered to deploy our IT solutions with technical support. Alternatively, you can find a collaborator to design a bespoke data processing program to meet your specific needs.