Our products & services
Energy & Renewables
Support decisions that efficiently generate & sustain energy in dynamic & deregulated markets.
Learn moreWater, Weather & Environment
Increase your resilience to challenges in water, weather & the environment with tools specific to your needs
Learn more Browse the Sensor Product CatalogCAD Visualization
Maximize value from CAD data when accessed, analyzed & approved quickly & safely by the right people
Learn moreEnvironmental sensors & instrumentation
Sensors and accessories to monitor water, weather, and the environment
Data acquisition & telemetry
Efficient data transfer from any sensor or remote data sources to your data management system
Field data collection app
Configurable app enables field staff to improve data quality starting at the monitoring site
Data management
Environmental cloud data hub
Hydrographic software
Hail risk mitigation
Hail forecasts and warnings to avoid & mitigate hail damage
Optimize power generation, water & revenue as you measure dam safety & meet regulatory constraints
Forecasting & Optimization
Identify the most efficient and flexible use of generation and storage plants
Raster data as a service
Satellite data & ensemble forecasts for immediate use & integration with your monitoring data
3DViewStation Desktop
Enterprise Solution for the Manufacturing Sector
3DViewStation WebViewer
Fast, multi-CAD viewing for mobile devices with HTML 5 browsers
Optimize power generation, water & revenue as you measure dam safety & meet regulatory constraints
3DViewStation VisShare
Fast, safe CAD data sharing for internal & external project members
3DViewStation VR
Fast, affordable virtual reality inspection & analysis of large CAD models
KISTERS Automation Server
Batch tool automatically translates files & performs repetitive processes
Renewable Energy
Optimize generation & storage as you monitor severe weather & mitigate risks