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MBD processes supported by 3DViewStation CAD viewer

May 26, 2020

3D-annotated models with rich functionality and integration replace more 2D-drawings.

As 3D-annotated models replace more and more 2D drawings, the model-based definition (MBD) environment demands more support of several different file formats and interactive functionalities. The high volume of product manufacturing information (PMI) overcomes the limitations of detailed views, sections, tolerances, surface quality hints from traditional 2D drawings.

An essential element of MBD is Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T). The lean manufacturing approach avoids generation of 2D drawings, expediting communication and even design changes are required.

KISTERS’ 3DViewStation efficiently supports MBD initiatives by supporting many native CAD file formats like Catia, NX, Creo including their specific 3D annotations as well as standard file formats such as JT, STEP or 3D-PDF.

When KISTERS’ software reads these CAD data, pre-defined PMI views are retained. After activation the camera will be positioned correctly, sections might be activated automatically and only those PMIs, which belong to the respective view, will be displayed,” explains Kelly Baumann, Business Development Manager.

3DViewStation also allows users to compare revisions; create their own markups like lines, texts or balloons; update or create new views, and then save them as PMIs in the proprietary 3DVS format or neutral file formats like JT, STEP or 3D-PDF.”

Some users just translate native CAD files including PMIs into standard file formats,” added Baumann.


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