California groundwater authority promotes water conservation
August 11, 2022
Persistent drought threatens groundwater availability.
The Glenn Groundwater Authority (GGA) is encouraging residents to conserve water to help the groundwater basin.
In a press release, the authority noted, “8 of the last 10 years have been classified as below normal, dry, or critical based on the Sacramento Valley Water Year Hydrologic Classification. The Northern Sierra Precipitation 8-Station Index states our region is only at 79% of average precipitation this year. The U.S. Drought Monitor shows over 97% of Glenn County is in extreme drought.”
The GGA is the official groundwater sustainability agency (GSA) managing the Glenn County portion of the Colusa Subbasin. It covers the area generally south of Stony Creek, east of the coast ranges, west of the Sacramento River, and north of the Glenn-Colusa County line. In coordination with its neighbor, the Colusa Groundwater Authority, the GGA submitted the Colusa Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) as required by law in January, 2022. The long-term, comprehensive, dynamic plan will guide transboundary water resources.
Importance of groundwater sustainability
“Goals of the GSP are to maintain locally-managed sustainable groundwater resources to preserve and enhance the economic viability, social well-being, and culture of all who use groundwater, while avoiding undesirable results,” such as land subsidence.
During the development of the required annual report, basin conditions are evaluated at least annually. However, groundwater levels have generally dropped since 2020 according to a report submitted in April, 2022.
“Since 2015 subsidence has occurred in various areas, but most prominent(ly) between Orland and Artois with up to -1.5 feet (-45.7 cm) of vertical displacement. It is unclear how much of this subsidence is permanent,” according to Glenn Groundwater Authority.
Near term action with a long-term perspective
GGA is evaluating long-term options to enhance drought resiliency. Nonetheless, Glenn County, cities, and local water providers need and are seeking “immediate term solutions”. The agency is planning for groundwater recharge.
In addition to curtailing garden / lawn watering, local agricultural producers are experiencing significant cuts or cancellations of water allocations. “In many cases, annual crops have been fallowed or fewer acres planted. Trees and other permanent crops are being irrigated sparingly,” read the GGA release.
“Agricultural water users are similarly encouraged to utilize best management practices, conserve water as much as possible, and minimize groundwater pumping. Coordinate with neighbors, when possible, to minimize possible well interference.”
KISTERS supports sustainable groundwater data management. Learn more about the 2-in-1 commercial database and software, or aquifer water level sensors. Data insights empower effectively local collaboration to fulfill groundwater sustainability plans.