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Our collaborators

We work with industry partners & associations to tackle problems of all sizes.

4 people at table confidently discuss ideas, graph on laptop, overcoming challenges & solving problems

Integrating data & science

As environmental challenges intensify, integrating related data becomes essential. Our sensors and software provide extensive tools to collect, assess and understand your observations. Web tools offer further analytics and data visualization across disciplines and data types.

For example, real-time monitoring and coordination with SCADA control rooms or field crews allow for operational adjustments and improvements. Or hyperlocal rain forecasts can inform water storage decisions, prioritize BMP maintenance, or maximize irrigation water.

Empowering & engaging

Educating decision-makers and rallying public support is a winning strategy to solve complex challenges. Partnerships with public agencies, utilities, private companies and not-for-profit organizations demonstrate the power of information sharing. Innovative web services and open data standards deliver accurate, integrated insights to support initiatives and correct misunderstandings.

From collection and storage to analysis and reporting surface water and groundwater data, we are a much sought-after IT partner for hardware and software that clients configure to the unique needs of their own work processes and organizational goals.

aerial photo of an island with topographic lines, part of KISTERS datasphere design aesthetic 1.0


Client satisfaction

Client satisfaction is important to us. Evaluations by our clients focus on three elements: qualified employees, results-oriented work, and quality software. Our market leadership cannot be accomplished without understanding our clients & their needs as they evolve.


Our commitment to quality management and information security, as attested by ISO certifications and renewals, have established strategic partnerships with the following organizations equally esteemed:

  • With Esri Inc., we make it possible to follow extreme events in space & time to increase lead and response time critical to take protective measures that keep people safe.
    We are among the 10% of Esri partners approved for the ArcGIS System Ready Specialty because we consistently adopt & integrate new ArcGIS software releases into our solutions, services, or content.
  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) brings together 450 international businesses, authorities & universities to develop open interface standards. With a lead role in the Hydrology Domain Working Group, we helped to develop modern open standards for water data exchange such as WaterML2 to support interoperability of water data.
  • Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI) represents more than 130 U.S. universities & international organizations focused on water sciences. While it receives support from the National Science Foundation, corporate members like us help future generations of scientists innovate and refine community modeling, data science and hydrologic education.
photo of Lake Tahoe, California, USA; 2 paddleboarders in foreground, mountains in the background

Industry Membership

Our market leadership cannot be accomplished without a deep understanding of industry needs & sciences advanced by all participants, large and small.

American Water Resources Association (AWRA)

the pre-eminent multidisciplinary organization for information exchange, professional development & education about water resources, research, holistic and sustainable water resources management.

Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA)

promotes development, control, conservation, preservation and utilization of water resources in Canada among the private & public sector, as well as provincial and national agencies

(U.S.) National Hydrologic Warning Council (NHWC)

ALERT (& ALERT 2 protocols) Users Group

provides training & standards for generation, delivery and use of timely, quality hydrologic information to warn environmental & emergency management professionals of flood risk. It advocates for reliable automated remote data collection networks, modeling and analyses before & after storm events, and integrated hazard communication.

North American Lake Management Society (NALMS)

nurtures collaboration among water districts & volunteer monitors to manage and protect lakes and reservoirs in the U.S. and Canada. It advances information exchange for lake & watershed management and provides guidance to agencies involved in management of these waterbodies.

Ontario Waterpower Association (OWA)

represents common & collective interests of the waterpower industry in the Canadian province, where waterpower resources comprise 25 % of overall energy production. It supports greater adoption of waterpower as clean, renewable energy. Founding members represent 95 % of hydroelectricity generating capacity in Ontario.

Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN)

raises awareness & catalyzes adoption of data- and digital-driven technologies for sustainable operations of drinking water and wastewater utilities. Representing public and private utilities and solutions providers share collective industry expertise, while researchers bring cutting-edge developments to the collaborative table.

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